Sunday, January 12, 2014

My Pagima

My Pajima  (NSFW)

While Skyping with family, my beautiful 3 year old niece was being taught to clean herself after she “had bowel” with wipes. She proclaimed to her mother that her pagima was clean!

That reminded me of a puberty lesson last year with my eighth grade students. 22 of them!  Lots of laughter, lots of jokes.  After a lecture and discussion about puberty and pictures showing the changes from child to adult, students were asked to list changes that occur during puberty.  As you can imagine, the boys were rude, crude and obnoxious. Several of them were blurting "penis" throughout the lesson – I’ve been reminding them since the first day to use the correct term for body parts…  Here are some examples of their finished product.

One of the mail teachers checked in because we were so loud. When he realized what we were discussing he made an immediate about face. 

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