Tuesday, June 9, 2009

These Folks Sure Are Nice, But Where's Their Teeth

I drive around alot without knowing how to get to wherever I want to go. I just stop at a store, gas station, or stop someone on the street and ask for directions. People have been very nice with providing directions and helpful information. But I have never seen more white people missing their teeth. From the woman at the grocery store, to the men at the gas station, to the folks at the department store - all in different cities . I don't get it.

To be fair, I do have to admit that when I met my husband, he was missing one of his front teeth. I was very upfront with him about how shallow I am. He was already a cutie, but I told him to get that taken care of. It took six months, lots of money, and multiple appointments but he finally had a perfect smile. That was 5 years ago. Then this past weekend, while mowing some of our overgrown acreage, he sneezed and his tooth flew out and he mowed over it. So he now blends in with the natives. But don't think I don't remind him every day to make an appointment to get that taken care of...again.

I went to Montpelier, the State Capitol a few days ago. I needed to finally register my car in Vermont. I'd been driving around with an expired temporary tag for two months. Can you believe from the time I walked into the DMV to the time I left was a total of less than 30 minutes! I thought when I got my drivers license in Springfield, that the quick in and out was an anomaly because it was a satellite office. But it appears to be the norm in Vermont. In Connecticut, it took me 2 hours standing in line just to change my name (after we were married) -and I was there first thing in the morning!

Then Mark and Poochy (who was visiting again) decided to set off more fireworks. One of our neighbors was not too happy. He pulled into the driveway so quickly, Mark initially thought it was the state police again. Poochy got spooked and ran into the basement. Mark, who is 6 foot 3 and change, walked up to the guy when he realized it was a truck. Our neighbor blubbered about the commotion of the fireworks and warned/asked us to limit it to the weekends. It was Sunday evening...about 8:30pm. He said he works 3rd shift. Mark agreed. Then the next morning guess who Mark runs into at the gas station, but the same neighbor. Apparently he was sleeping, and the fireworks woke him up. He apologized to Mark, Mark apologized to the guy and it's now all good. When the guy saw Mark in the daytime, with that missing tooth, he probably thought he was a native...

1 comment:

  1. when I go up there, I'm buying a shotgun.
