Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Crazy Black Man

Lord, please don't let there have been a satellite focused in our area around midnight last night... Last night, I was spooked by a beeping sound. I could not for the life of me locate the origin of that sound. Although I was in bed before 11pm, I was still wide awake at midnight when my husband came to bed. My husband-who sleeps nude then complains of being cold-said he didn't hear the beeping. He blamed it on my imagination, then our rabbit, and told me to go to sleep.

Now, we live in the woods. OK, not quite the woods, but our property is mostly surrounded by wooded (densely treed/foilaged) areas, so you can't see too far out. All kinds of things went through my mind, namely that we were the unwilling and unknowing stars of Scary Movie V. You know, lure people out by an incessant beeping... My husband was snoring in 30 seconds flat, so 30 minutes later after laying awake with my heart pounding, then going through the house trying to locate the source of the beeping, I finally roused him. He was not a happy camper. He told me to get my knife (I have a Gerber Obsidian) http://www.gerbergear.com/index.php/product/id/318 . and handle my business. After all, what am I going to do when he's not there, he yelled. What do you mean, I responded. You better always be here! He then nodded back off. I finally determined that the beeping was coming from the front of the house, possibly his truck, and insisted he get up and find it. So he got up, reluctantly. He was mad! He jumped out of bed and stomped out the front door shoeless (plus don't forget he sleeps nude) and was loudly cussing about being interrupted for something stupid and went over to his truck. When he realized it wasn't his truck he started cussing, loudly again about this and that. He then located the source of the beeping... an old smoke detector he had neglected to dispose of properly and ripped it apart, still cussing, and took the battery out, still cussing and threw it to the ground. He then stomped back in and went straight to bed.

I was stunned. Speechless. As I closed and locked the front door I figured that any boogeymen or werewolves were definitely deterred by his outburst. I then proceeded to get into the bed next to my snoring husband. I was finally able to get some sleep. Wish I had a camera handy to film that Crazy Black Man.

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