Saturday, November 21, 2009

SolarFest Follow-up

It has been suggested that we cut down trees to accommodate solar paneling on our roof.

This is what the front of our house (the part that faces south) looks like from the top of our driveway. This picture was taken at the beginning of summer.
This is gorgeous (to us) and we wouldn't think of cutting down these trees. Time to think of alternatives. Any other suggestions?


  1. Hi Dawn,

    I was a coworker of your sister Michelle back at H&W (we are both gone to other jobs now, but stay in touch). I like reading your blog, it's hysterical and fascinating! You asked for alternatives to solar power, what about wind? Your beautiful property just begs for a nice windmill. Do you have water on the land? You could have a water mill or wheel. Do you mind if I forward your blog link to someone I know from Vermont? He had built a home in Vermont that was very "green" and might enjoy reading your blog or providing some tips.

  2. You are welcome to share the blog. Thanks for sharing your idea about wind and water. Hope you keep reading.
