Tuesday, July 21, 2009

4th of July in Vermont

Vermont was beautiful for Independence Day. Mark and I went downtown and watched a small town parade. I thought it was going to be a small town turnout. But there was a bunch of people. Did the whole state turn out? We found that the parade was sponsored by the "Area" Chamber of Commerce. That explained why there was so much more people than I thought there would be since at least 5 towns were participating. It was huge. We rode the dirt bike into town, thankfully, and were able to bypass a lot of traffic (what there is up here) and park behind a building on Main Street. The atmosphere was very festive, even though rain was threatening all morning. It finally poured later in the day. I have never seen so many tractors in my life. Big, small, old, and new. A farmer's dream, I'm sure. The funniest was the Amtrak train that comes through town stops right in the middle of Main Street, in the middle of the parade. But that didn't dissuade folks from keeping their perch right on the tracks… I think I caught the spirit of the day.

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