Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Do Black People Camp?

When we moved to Vermont in May 2009, everyone we met had plans on going "to camp". It's some kind of 'thing' in Vermont. Everyone does it. They either rent or have a 'spot' where they always go. Some stay at camp for the summer, with those that work commuting from camp. Others go on weekends. And others go pitch a tent somewhere for a week every summer. But everyone in Vermont seems to "camp".

This year on Celebrity Apprentice, one of the challenges was to create a camping experience with motor homes. There were five Black celebrities: Little John, a rapper; Star Jones previously on The View; Nene Leakes some kind of reality star; LaToya Jackson, Michael Jackson's sister; and Dionne Warwick, singing legend. All the Black celebrities were of some means and all said some version of "I'm Black, I don't know anything about camping." Oprah had a special about camping in Yosemite, and asked the same question about Blacks camping.

I'm really into knitting and weaving and was introduced last year to the idea of Knit Camp. Knit Camp is going to a campsite for the weekend and hanging out while you knit.

It all seemed a bit too rustic to me. Who wants to empty their bladder or bowels in the woods? Not me. I really enjoy the concept of running water and toilet paper. Plus there are wild animals in the woods.

I do know Black people who camp, but camping is something I didn't think I would ever do. I really enjoy modern amenities too much. But I thought I would try it, especially since my husband Mark was interested in going as well. So last summer I signed us up for a weekend of camping – let me rephrase two days and one night of camping. First we had to ensure we had the accoutrements for camping. I checked with some folks and looked online to see how to prepare. We needed bedding which could include a tent, lights, eating and cooking implements, food appropriate for camping, bug spray, personal grooming items, the list goes on. I found out we would be in a lean to, which is basically an elevated open shelter. I went up early and picked out a lean to with some privacy. Don't ask me why – we are in the woods! But when I arrived I noticed there were no showers, and the toilets were a number of yards away. Also, there was no lighting. NO LIGHTING, so once it got dark it would be PITCH BLACK! But Mark would be there to protect me, right?

So we planned on taking my Jeep, but we had way too much stuff and decided to take our dog Dekken. So we took the truck so all out stuff could go in the bed. Because I felt the need to have a barrier between me and the outdoors, I purchased a very large tarp to cover the lean to opening. We decided to take the air mattress and a bunch of blankets instead of buying a tent.

I also purchased some chairs for hanging by the fire and off we went. We first stopped at the Hunger Mountain Coop. I wanted to get Fat Toad Farm Chevre and some crackers to share as munchies. While there, they had pre-cooked sweet and spicy wings that seemed perfect for our afternoon meal. We also picked up a pork loan which could easily be cooked on the fire outside our lean to. Plus some biodegradable wipes for personal grooming. We didn't have a small chest so we stopped at yet another store for a chest and ice to keep our beer and other beverages clean and cold. While I was in the store Mark was supposed to watch our items in the bed of the truck and Dekken. Apparently I took too long, so he came in to find me. When we returned to the truck and I got in the front seat, guess where our wings (for lunch) were? Dekken had devoured them! Lesson learned, right? So we finally make it the campsite after arguing about whose fault it was that w didn't have wings. We unloaded our things and proceeded to hang around the main campsite for the rest of the day chatting, knitting and eating. It was very nice, even if the composting closet was 50 yards away.

Dekken behaved, even with another dog along. We even went down to the lake, which Dekken promptly jumped into. He loved it although it was way too cold for humans. And we met a very nice couple who included the only other male in our group.

Did I mention my husband is a pyromaniac? Although there was a constant fire going at the main campsite, Mark insisted on having a fire as well at our little site, all day and all night long…

Then it was bed time. I had several flashlights that we used to get back to our lean to, and get ready for bed. We chained Dekken to the lean to so he wouldn't run off. In an adjacent site, which we couldn't see but could definitely hear, they were having what sounded like a young Christian retreat based on the songs, and other sounds. It was a lot of stimulation for Dekken, who behaved fairly well. But after clanking the chain one too many times, Mark decided to put him in the truck, with our leftover pork loin…however, Mark assured me that the food was appropriately secure. The dark atmosphere wasn't too bad except for the noises. There was an indistinguishable animal sound that Mark said was probably a moose. Who knows but it freaked me out. Unfortunately I was getting up every hour to empty my bladder against the side of the lean to due to all the beer I had consumed. Mark snored while I lay wide awake with one of our lanterns burning not so brightly. But we survived the night.

I had planned our breakfast to include the left over pork loin and eggs. Mark went to the car to let Dekken out and get our breakfast when I heard him swear, loudly. Guess who got into the food, again! Why didn't Dekken get into the chips and other junk food instead? Our neighbors (the nice couple) had mercy on us and shared their bacon and coffee. All in all, it wasn't a bad couple of days. In fact, we are planning to go back this year. I guess we're campers. Wish us luck!