Saturday, May 30, 2009

Blame it on Obama

We lived in Connecticut. I lived there for nine years after relocating from California, my husband was born and raised in Connecticut.

My husband and I went to New Hampshire to go door knocking for the Obama campaign. We fell in love with the clean and crisp environment, the friendliness of the people, the lack of traffic on the roads, the greenest and the beauty of the surroundings, and the low taxes. My husband was at a point in his life where he was ready to leave the state of Connecticut. He has this idea of being part of the future of regionalization and wants to raise bison. I was not immediately convinced, but decided to accompany him back to New Hampshire a few weeks later to look at the housing stock. My husband was interested in land. I was interested in a big house.

We found what we thought was a perfect place. Sixteen acres, plus a house that had potential-although it needed a lot of work. But it had a million dollar view! We even made an offer on it. Then we starting thinking that we didn't explore quite as much as we should have. We decided to keep looking. I decided to use Dartmouth as a point of reference. I want to attend graduate school and an Ivy League school looks excellent on a resume and can open doors. It didn't matter that I've never been to the campus, and hadn't even applied. But I decided that was where I wanted to go and did not want to commute more than 40 minutes. So all the sudden, Vermont became a viable option. We went looking again. We looked for several months and found several properties in Vermont where we didn't have to do as much to bring the house up to speed. We made offers on several that were not accepted, or were gone.
Then we found our house! It only had seven acres, but the house had 4 bedrooms and a finished basement. We made an offer, and after a few back and forths, it was accepted. Look at the view from our backyard! We love it!
Our family and friends think we lost our mind, but we just blame it all on Obama.